by Sam Leaver
-1 December 2017
by Sam Leaver
-1 December 2017
Is there anything nicer than knowing a little bit of the language when visiting a new place?
Learning how to say “good morning”, “please” and “thank you” are simple ways to have locals take to you during your holiday – and the hotel staff may even look after you that little bit more!
As it’s almost Christmas and Britain’s cultural diversity continues to grow we thought we would make this blog post a festive one and teach you how to say”Merry Christmas” in 15 different countries around the world. So if you have family visiting from overseas, are heading abroad yourself or just want to impress the grandchildren on the big day, you can practise with our easy-to-follow guide below.
Even if you’re staying at home this holiday season, knowing how to say “Merry Christmas” in different languages is a fun way to spark conversations and bring everyone closer together at the Christmas dinner table.
Country Translation How to pronounce Merry Christmas
Spain Feliz Navidad “Fell-eez Nah-vee-dahd”
Portugal Feliz Natal “Fe-liz Na-tal”
Greece Kalá Christoúgenna “Kal-ah Hree-stoo-yen-ah”
Italy Buon Natale “Bwon Nah-tah-ley”
France Joyeux Noël “Je-why-eu No-elle”
Germany Fröhliche Weihnachten “Fro-lick Weih-nach-ten”
Malta Il-Milied It-Tajjeb “Il-Mil-et It-Ti-eb”
Turkey Mutlu Noeller “Mut-low No-ell-er”
Belgium (Dutch/Flemish) Vrolijk Kerstfeest “Vully Kirst-feast”
Poland Wesołych Świąt “Ves-o-vish Sv-ond”
South Africa Geseënde Kersfees “Ger-seen Kurs-fees”
China (Mandarin) Shèngdàn Jié Kuàilè “Shang-dan Ko-bye-ali”
India Śubh Krisamas “Soo-ba Kris-mas”
Japan Merīkurisumasu “Meri-krish-i-mastu”
Thailand S̄uk̄hs̄ạnt̒ Wạn Khris̄t̒mās̄ “Suk Sarn Warn Christmas”
We know Christmas is a hectic time and many of you will be too busy wrapping presents and panic buying vegetables to learn something new, so if you’re waiting until 2018 to put your language skills to the test then don’t forget to arrange your travel insurance before you go (sooner the better really so you’re covered for cancellation and you can get back to eating Mince Pies safe in the knowledge you’re covered).
Additional Langagues to Say Merry Christmas in:
If you’re looking to expand your knowledge this Christmas and impress everyone around the dinner table, then here are some additional languages to say ‘Merry Christmas’ in:
Afrikaans Geseënde Kersfees
Albanian Afehyia Pa
Arabic عيد ميلاد مجيد (Eid Milad Majid)
Hawaiian Mele Kalikimaka
Indonesian Selamat Natal
Māori (New Zealand) Meri Kirihimete
Scottish Gaelic (Scotland) Nollaig Chridheil
Tagalog (Philippines) Maligayang Pasko
Ukrainian Веселого Різдва (Veseloho Rizdva)
Welsh Nadolig Llawen
Useful Information:
Plus, if you’re looking for some escapism away from it all take a look at our recent blog posts on eight of the world’s most spectacular Christmas Trees or the top10 festive markets in Europe as you start to look ahead to your next getaway.
Please remember our office opening times over the festive period: We are open until 23rd December and selected days during Christmas and New Year but we will be closed 24th, 25th, 26th, 31st December and 1st January.
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