by Sarah Forster
-1 September 2022
by Sarah Forster
-1 September 2022
Our latest partner MedicAlert have been providing peace of mind since 1964 here in the UK. With a vision of helping to provide a better life for those living with health concerns by providing personal medical information in an emergency, MedicAlert was first launched in Turlock, California. They are the pioneers of medical IDs and remain the only charity provider of life-saving medical ID services worldwide. We explore what is a medical ID and how it can benefit those living with health concerns.
A medical ID is a quick and efficient way for anyone that’s looking after you in an emergency (like doctors, nurses and paramedics, for example) to access all the vital information they need to keep you safe and give you the right treatment. This is particularly important if you’re unable to speak – for example, if you’re unconscious, in shock, or you suffer from a medical condition that makes communication difficult.
A MedicAlert medical ID comes in the form of a necklace or bracelet. It’s engraved with the internationally recognised symbol for health and medicine on the front and your most vital, need-to-know information on the back. In addition to your MedicAlert ID, you can carry a wallet card that has additional space for your medication, conditions, or allergies.
Also on the back is MedicAlert’s 24/7 helpline number (which can be contacted from anywhere in the world and in 100 languages and dialects), as well as your unique membership number.
In an emergency medical situation, you may not be able to communicate with first responders or whoever’s taking care of you for various reasons. For example, you may be unconscious or otherwise impaired – or you may live with a condition that makes communication difficult.
In this case, a MedicAlert ID will do the talking for you. It’ll give whoever’s looking after you all the important health information they need, without you or anyone else having to answer questions.
In many medical emergencies, time is incredibly important. It can mean the difference between a situation being successfully resolved or having serious consequences.
For instance, when someone with epilepsy has a seizure that lasts for more than five minutes or has multiple seizures within a five-minute period (what’s called ‘status epilepticus’), early treatment can be life-saving.
Therefore, it’s important that diagnoses are made as quickly as possible so the right treatment can be given. A medical ID can also be especially helpful if you or your loved one suffers from a particularly rare condition or allergy.
Your medical condition might mean that some standard treatment options cause you more harm than good – for instance, if you have a severe allergy to any medication, such as penicillin.
In this case, your medical ID can prevent you from being treated with anything that could make your condition worse or place you in greater danger.
Healthcare professionals aren’t perfect and sometimes they can misinterpret your symptoms. For instance, some signs of seizures can be mistakenly interpreted as indicators of intoxication or drowsiness. Or, if you live with visual impairment, first responders may interpret your lack of eye response to mean that you’ve suffered head trauma.
By having your full medical record on hand, you can reduce the likelihood of healthcare professionals misreading your symptoms, so you can get the right treatment as quickly as possible.
Travelling can be nerve-wracking if you’re living with a medical condition or allergy. If you need medical attention while abroad, there are a few hurdles that could complicate things – a language barrier or unfamiliar healthcare systems, for example.
A medical ID can help here, as it gives whoever’s treating you access to your medical history with a quick phone call. The MedicAlert emergency helpline is not only available 24/7, but also from anywhere in the world and in 100 languages and dialects.
We all worry about our children or grandchildren’s safety, but this worry can intensify if they’re living with a medical condition or allergy that makes them particularly vulnerable.
However, by getting them a medical ID, you can hopefully find comfort in the knowledge that they stand the best chance of receiving the correct treatment, regardless of where they are.
When it comes to our friends and family, we tend to spend our time worrying about them as opposed to thinking about how they worry about us. Though, if you live with a medical condition or allergy, chances are, your loved ones worry about you when they’re not around.
Wearing a medical ID can provide them with the reassurance that you’ll be looked after properly in the event of an emergency.
Depending on your circumstances, you may need to carry around printed documents like rare condition fact sheets, DNRs (Do Not Resuscitate orders), implant information, or care plans, to guide medical professionals caring for you in an emergency.
This can sometimes be inconvenient, as documents can be lost or forgotten. But, by wearing a medical ID bracelet
Being a MedicAlert member isn’t only helpful in an emergency situation. In fact, having all of your information in one place is also convenient in other instances, like when you’re attending a medical appointment.
In this case, you can take your MedicAlert Wallet card or printed record and provide healthcare professionals with all of your information in a clear and easy-to-read format.
MedicAlert also make it quick and simple to check and update your medical records, too.
Depending on your circumstances, having a medical condition or allergy can make spending time alone or with new people feel daunting. You may be worried about not having someone around who knows your medical history in an emergency.
But, these fears can cause you to miss out on many elements of a healthy lifestyle, such as socialising with new people or exercising – which are beneficial for both your physical and mental health. Your condition shouldn’t cause you to miss out on leading an independent life.
Wearing a medical ID can help you maintain greater independence. For example, it might give you the confidence to go for a solitary walk or meet up with some new friends – all while having the peace of mind that if anything happens, those around you will have access to your complete medical records.
Join the other 42,000 people within the UK that benefit from MedicAlert’s full-time service and medical IDs.
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